OCP Contractors COVID-19 Response and Procedure Resource
This webpage is the most up to date resource for everything related to OCP Contractors procedures in relation to COVID-19.
The information presented on this page supersedes all other information and is the most current resource for ensuring that you are following safe and considerate practices on the job site and in the office.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your regional safety director or HR. Their contact information can be found below.
Who can I reach out to if I have a question about something that has not been addressed in the information released so far?
- The best place to start is to determine the category of your question.
- For the safety of yourself or others on a job site, you can reach out to your regional safety manager or Matt Taylor (419-779-1274.)
- For personal impacts as it relates to OCP and COVID-19 you can reach out to Siccorah Martin (419-280-4040.)
- For other questions, anyone mentioned above is more than happy to field phone calls to help answer any questions to the best of their ability.
What if someone on my job site stays home because they think they are feeling symptoms of COVID-19?
This information will not be shared until the situation is thoroughly investigated. We don’t want to risk putting any false information out that could cause unneeded panic. - OCP will certainly share any positive test result with the entire job site as soon as that information becomes available. In the meantime, ensure to continue following the required preventative measures.
What if other trades are not following the procedures that we have in place and are making me feel uncomfortable?
- This is a situation that requires immediate action. If you are observing people (trade partners or otherwise) not following the required preventative measures you need to inform your foreman and the regional safety manager right away.
- OCP will implement a project-specific approach to get the behavior addressed and corrected. Again, please do not hesitate to make us aware of these actions. We will also try to keep your observations anonymous in this scenario. Should you have an anonymous safety suggestion you would like to place, please do so here.
OCP Contractors Plan for COVID-19
Exposure Prevention, Preparedness, and Response
OCP Contractors takes the health and safety of our employees very seriously. With the spread of the coronavirus or “COVID-19,” a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, OCP Contractors must remain vigilant in mitigating the outbreak. OCP Contractors is a proud part of the construction industry, which many have deemed “essential” during this Declared National Emergency. In order to be safe and maintain operations, we have developed this COVID-19 Exposure Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Plan to be implemented, to the extent feasible and appropriate, throughout Contractors and at all of our job sites.
Additional Important Communications
HR Notices
- Industry Safe Health Check Procedure Update
- Thank you from Brian Stone
- Continue to Pull Together
- Continuing to Lead the Way Forward
- Quarantine Procedures You Need to Know
- Notice of the Essential Employer
- Appreciation Pay
- Families First Covid-19 Response Act
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Message to the Team - Matt Townsend
- Message to the Team - Pamela Hepburn
- Message to the Team - Clark Townsend