Chayna Young-Wallace
What brought you to the construction industry and what made you stay? I came to the construction industry after having some experience in the marine corp with a little bit of construction and building, and then I was a police office. That route didn’t work out, and I always really enjoyed construction so I came back to it.
What has been the highlight of your career in construction? Learning the Panel Max technology and being able to run that at the Tower at Maumee. Also learning how to use the Total Station Layout System in the field.
In that whole process what excites you the most? Being able to learn the processes. And with the Panel Max a little bit of math is involved, and I’m able to use my brain while using my hands.
What is the favorite aspect of your job? Favorite aspect is coming from day one seeing there is absolutely nothing and then we build it up and whatever structure we build is going to be there for years to come. So turning nothing to something is great.
What you would like to say to other women interested in coming to construction? Just stand your ground. We have something to offer to the industry which other people don’t. We have different views. And we can help the project move forward differently.