Jessica Guerra
How long have you worked for OCP and how has your role progressed? I’ve been working with OCP for four years. I started off as an apprentice and now I find myself running jobs and working with all the trades and coordinating and growing everyday.
What has been the highlight of your career in construction? I think the biggest thing is when you see buildings from nothing and you see how everyone works together, and how it comes together as a whole at the end of the project. It’s great to look back and say you’re a part of it.
What made you come to construction and why did you stay? My dad and uncle are union painters so growing up I was always familiar with the trade. I graduated in 2007 when the economy was in decline. I didn’t know what I wanted to go to college for, and didn’t want to rush in so I took my time figuring out my career. Then I realized when I was painting someone’s house, I said “I can do this,” with growing up doing it, so I joined in and it was the best decision I made in my life.
What would you tell another woman interested in joining the industry? It’s tough. Mentally and physically you have to be prepared. But more so with being in the trades and the company you really form a lot of relationships and friends. Everyday the job is a challenge. There’s always something new to learn.
What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on? I would have to say Promedica Health and Wellness. I think that was because that was my first job as a foreman and it was definitely stressful, but overall it was fun because I learned so much of it and got to meet a lot of great people. The project required head carpenters, finishers and painters, so it was a good learning experience.